Celebrating 25 Years of Bob The Builder!
Well thank goodness I was given a humongous light for christmas.
Not used to being in front of the camera and after I got over myself I managed to produce a surprise message for Neil at the invitation of "Loose Women".
I have set myself a bit of a goal this year and this was the kick start I needed.
I cannot believe it's 25 yrs since we first recorded together with the wonderful Rob Rackstraw at Wild Tracks.Such happy memories and ridiculous amounts of laughter, especially for me at around 3 o'clock for some reason
I shall be forever grateful to Jackie Cockle for casting me to play Wendy, Dizzy, Pilchard and ..and....
These characters were a dream for me and they have proven a wonderful lasting legacy that I am immensely proud of.
I wish J Lo all the very best in bringing these characters to a new audience and I, well I'd love to be invited to see it with the Original family.#justsayin
#bobthebuilder #originalwendy #animation #voiceactor #originalpilchard #originaldizzy